Celebrating Women


I'm late to the party - I'm early to the party. This past March 8th was Women's International Day. May 13th is Mother's Day. This April seems like the perfect time to celebrate women folk.

I came across the above post with notation by @hoodzpahdesign:

"The above design is the first all female presidential ticket organized in 1884 by Marietta Stow, of Oakland, California. She created the Equal Rights Party to back the ticket. She was also the first woman to run for Governor of CA. Both campaigns were before women even had the right to vote, although nothing in the law said they could not run. While they weren’t successful, they played a big role in bringing awareness to Women’s Rights Issues. "

In 2018, we still have a lot to work to do bring equality for women. Although changes need to occur on a systemic level, I believe that cultural norms need to be worked as well. My belief is we can make changes in our personal lives in forming culture that promotes women, and do away with the socialized ideals like all women should be gentle and nice. Being conscious of how we treat and respond to others is a start.

Melody Yip