Indoor Plants
I often times advise my clients to take their time acquiring furniture and pieces for their home. You want to be able to notice how your life fits into the space. I find that the same advice can be applied to acquiring plants. Not only is it important to establish an aesthetic, it is also important to make sure you understand the light offered in the space. It's good to make sure the light situation is a good match for the plants you desire.
The Drive For Wanting Plants. Since moving to our new space and now that we are on month 4, we stayed open to how we furnish and how we use the space. In our previous home, we did not have much plant life. In our current situation, the large windows and deep eaves give a surplus of bright indirect light. About a month ago, I went on an indoor plant rampage.
I think was inspired by how much green was in our area. It could be the numerous instagram ads I've been getting in my feed. It could be just getting older and appreciating the more subtle things in life. I enjoy seeing new stems emerge and bundles of leaves slowly unravel.
Indoor Plant Care Tips. So far I've killed one plant due to poor drainage on my part.
Many plants like to be watered weekly while there a few that want to be watered infrequently. I've heard that in the winter, you can can scale down the frequency of watering.
Letting plants drain properly is critical. To keep things ultra safe, I like to bring the plant out into the bath tub - water and let it sit for an hour or so - to let it air out excess water. The last thing you want are rotting roots. Plants in larger pots don't need to be watered as much as the moisture stays a bit longer in the soil.
As with any new adventure, it's important to gather tips from the outside world. The internet is great, but falling into conversations is really where the gems lie and ideas stick. No need for small talk.
I learned that the my egg guy's mother has 200 varieties of orchids. My hygienist shared a nursery she was fond of and shared some tips on watering and plant care. It's fascinating the tips and experiences people will share with you!
I am excited to work on our atrium in the coming months. Planting our garden in Alameda had certainly opened the door to thinking about landscape design. Past experiences can carry forward to future projects. I am also curious about the world of special orchids. P.S. The annual SF Orchid will be in full effect on July 20/21 in Golden Gate Park. I plan to be there.